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Durham Town Green

The east side of the Durham Green is sited along Main Street (Route 17), once the Old Mattebeseck Trail and presently a four-lane highway. On the west it is bounded by Town House Road and on the North by Maple Avenue. It is a long rectangle comprising 1.39 acres that tapers as it extends south. At the north and south ends are additional small triangular pieces cut off from the larger green by intersecting roads.

The green is fairly level but is located on a crest. The land falls off to the west behind the Town Hall (Old South Congregational Church) and the fairground building. No curbs separate it from the street although parking is located along the green on Town House Road. It is simply landscaped. Mature maple trees are planted around the perimeter and are interspersed with younger maple and pin cherry trees. Two large coniferous trees in the center closer to the southern end are planted on either side of a memorial bell and a stone monument, the "Soldiers Honor Role". Between the two monuments is a flagpole. Another mature coniferous tree is planted at the northern end. Also located on the green is a plaque indicating Washington's route in 1775 and 1789 and the town historical marker. There are no paths.

As the southern end on the west side of Main Street adjacent to the Durham Fairgrounds is an additional triangular-shaped plot with tremendous views to the west that is not maintained as the green. However, its plantings make it appear to be part of the green and the tax assessor's map indicates confused ownership. The town records indicate the green was once larger than it is today.

Although 18th and 20th century buildings are represented, the civic and residential buildings around the green date primarily from the 19th century. They remain relatively intact and provide a cohesive enclosure for one of Connecticut's more picturesque greens.

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